O symlink do Windows para executável não abre quando clica duas vezes
Uma KB3039066 recente atualização do Windows 7 quebrou links simbólicos no Windows Explorer e outros programas que usam os serviços fornecidos pelo shell do Windows.
The problem is solved by uninstalling the following update on both the file server and a client computer: KB3039066.
Depois de desinstalá-lo, você deve reiniciar o PC.
Fonte: Tipo de link simbólico mudou
Soluções alternativas
- Use um link físico (
mklink /h
- Restauração do sistema para uma data anterior.
Same problem here. And yeah, I have installed something: the latest Windows update. I know that's the cause, because I noticed the problem on one computer. Then checked on a different one, and no problem there. I immediately applied Windows update to the second machine, and... bam! Explorer no longer resolves symbolic links.
With a System Restore to a earlier date, I was not able to duplicate this issue, thus I can positively confirm that there currently stands a bug with regards to Symbolic Link behaviour in Windows Explorer, introduced after a recent Windows 7 update.
As a work-around for now: if you would like to navigate to a linked file through Explorer, and you require a programme to access that link, consider using a Hardlink.
Fonte Windows 7: o Windows Explorer não segue Links Simbólicos
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