Como posso definir um limite de tempo na Lixeira?


Como posso definir um limite de tempo na Lixeira do Windows 7?

What is the Recycle Bin?

The Recycle Bin in Windows 7 Starter is a file to restore deleted files. They are kept there indefinitely.

Mas como posso torná-lo não indefinido?

por user902035 05.05.2018 / 18:52

1 resposta


Como posso definir um limite de tempo na Lixeira do Windows 7?

Você não pode. No entanto, você pode definir o tamanho máximo da lixeira.

Se o tamanho dos itens na Lixeira exceder esse tamanho, o Windows começará a excluir itens em uma base FIFO (First-In-First-Out, primeiro a entrar, primeiro a sair) .

Recycle Bin size

The Recycle Bin size calculations are based on the user’s disk quota and not the disk size. In Windows XP, the default Recycle Bin was 10% of the user’s quota on the volume. In later versions of Windows, the default size is 10% of the first 40GB of quota, and 5% of any quota above which is above 40GB.

To change its capacity, right-click on the Recycle Bin icon > Properties. Here under the General tab, you can set the maximum size for your Recycle Bin.

If you wish, you can also change the size and settings on a per-folder basis. More on this at TechNet Blogs.

Tweak Recycle Bin behavior

Right-Click on the Recycle Bin icon and select Properties. Here you will be able to changes a few of its settings. As I mentioned, each Drive has its own Recycle Bin.

Select the Drive.

You will then be able to decide the maximum size of the Bin. This means that if the items in the Bin exceed this number, then Windows will start deleting items on a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) basis. You can increase the size of Recycle Bin if you feel.

Fonte Truques e dicas sobre a lixeira do Windows

Exemplo de captura de tela:

por 05.05.2018 / 19:26