comando para listar os hotfixes ausentes do Windows


Quando eu executo "systeminfo" no Windows, ele mostra uma lista de hot fixes instalados no meu computador, na forma de KBxxxxxxx. Existe uma maneira (de preferência linha de comando) para saber explícito quais são os hot fixes que estou faltando?

por wei 02.05.2016 / 01:11

1 resposta


Existe uma maneira (preferencialmente linha de comando) de saber quais hot fixes estão faltando?

I am looking for a solution that depends only native utility that is readily available on Windows (such as wmic) or Microsoft (such as Sysinternals)

Supondo que você não se importe de fazer o download de scripts da Galeria de Technet da Microsoft , use o script do PowerShell Get-WindowsUpdates.ps1 :

This script will get all available udpates for the computer it is run on. It will then optionally install those updates, provided they do not require user input.

Link para download


Without any parameters the script will return the title of each update that is currently available.




Get and optionally install Windows Updates


C:\scripts\powershell\production\Get-WindowsUpdates.ps1 [-Install] [-EulaAccept] [<CommonParameters>]


This script will get all available udpates for the computer it is run on.

It will then optionally install those updates, provided they do not require user input.

This script was based off the original vbs that appeared on the MSDN site. Please see the Related Links section for the URL.

Without any parameters the script will return the title of each update that is currently available.

Fonte Get-WindowsUpdates.ps1

por 02.05.2016 / 13:50