ETA 3: A correção no ETA 2 é apenas parcialmente persistente; de vez em quando ele não entrava corretamente e eu teria que acionar manualmente o comando no terminal. Não tenho certeza se isso é devido a ordem de execução ou qualquer outra coisa.
ETA 2: Welp, configuration files haven't been any help, so I've resorted to the hack-ish method of including the
commands in Ubuntu's Startup Applications list:Not my preferred method, but after a few startups and shutdowns it seems to be persistent.
ETA: Turns out the solution below has not, in fact, worked for turning off the touchpad on my Bamboo — I jumped the gun there (tested it with a new session but not a total reboot). The conf file may still work for your problem, but I'd do a full reboot test after changing it to be sure. I'll edit again to add my final solution when/if I discover it.
Unsure how useful this will be three years after the fact, but answering in case someone else bumps into this problem:
In Ubuntu you can set persistent X session settings for Wacom tablets without directly editing the main Xorg conf. Instead, you'll want to make sure you have xserver-xorg-input-wacom installed, then edit /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-wacom.conf (the "50-" might change in the future but as long as it has "wacom" in the filename you're probably good).
You can use man wacom for details on how to use the configuration options. For example, I find the touchpad on my Bamboo irritating (especially when I'm using the pen), so I added the line
Option "Touch" "off"
to the appropriate InputClass.Save and your changes should persist upon reboot. If you mess up, it should only affect your tablet while leaving X11 intact.