Use a opção nfc na sua montagem nfs:
nfc Convert name strings to Unicode Normalization Form C (NFC) when sending them to the NFS server. This option may be used to improve interoperability with NFS clients and servers that typically use names in the NFC form.
O motivo:
Unicode is a complex standard. One of its elements is encoding. There exist several of them. Linux is using UTF8 precomposed while OS X uses UTF8 decomposed, this result in eg the glyph "ä" being encoded in different bytestring on Linux and OS X.
Exemplo de uma entrada automática na minha estação de trabalho:
iss:~ root# cat /etc/auto_nfs
3TB -fstype=nfs,resvport,nfc,vers=4,soft,intr,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,noatime,retrans=3,proto=tcp nas.local:/nas/3TB