Google Chrome 64/67 comportamento diferente para HTTP2


Estamos usando o WebAPI com o angularJS em nosso aplicativo. Com o Chrome versão 64, podemos ver o protocolo H2 / HTTP2 usado, mas após a atualização, ou seja, o Chrome 67, agora podemos ver o SPDY. Qual será o motivo dessa mudança? Se rebaixarmos o cromo para 64, então, conforme o esperado.

por Kcs ss 03.07.2018 / 07:21

1 resposta


Qual será o motivo dessa mudança?

É um bug .

Chrome Version: 59.3047

What steps will reproduce the problem? (1) Visit a page (e.g. that results in pulls from the memory cache

Observe: Requests that hit the memory cache show "spdy" as the protocol Expect: No such claim, because we don't enable SPDY in Chrome any more.

getProtocol() here returns SPDY if the was_fetched_via_spdy flag is true, but that flag is a bit of a lie; it's true for QUIC (verified) and probably H2 (didn't look) as well.

If we cannot fix the protocol annotation on the MemoryCache responses, we should probably change the default fallback to either "" or "h2" since the latter is most likely.


Looks like somewhere in the cache layer it's flagging it wrong. I'll look into it.


This issue still exists in 69.0.3477.0 and also applies to disk-cached resources.


I also encountered this issue in Chrome 67. It seems that not only disk-cached and memory-cached resources were shown as "SPDY"。I had already disabled cache.!topic/chromium-discuss/PYCV9EuYers

Source 704146 - A guia Rede do DevTools mostra SPDY para recursos armazenados em cache - chromium - Monorail

In Chrome 67, the HTTP protocol shown in the Network Tab of the inspector seems wrong. When my website loads a HTTP2 resource, Network Panel shows that it was using SPDY. When I copied the same resource url and opened it in new tab, Network Panel shows that it was using HTTP2. Additionally, in chrome 66, these two situations were shown as HTTP2.

Origem A guia Rede do inspetor mostra um protocolo HTTP incorreto no Google Chrome 67 - Grupos do Google

por 03.07.2018 / 07:39