Os laptops da Toshiba recebem muitas reclamações por superaquecimento.
Veja a última entrada desta discussão: Superaquecimento do Toshiba Satellite P15 S420 .
Ele contém instruções muito detalhadas sobre como limpar as entradas de ar de um Toshiba Satellite.
Se não estiver quente, use SpeedFan :
SpeedFan is a program that monitors
voltages, fan speeds and temperatures
in computers with hardware monitor
chips. SpeedFan can even access
S.M.A.R.T. info and show hard disk
temperatures. SpeedFan supports SCSI
disks too. SpeedFan can even change
the FSB on some hardware (but this
should be considered a bonus feature).
SpeedFan can access digital temperature sensors and can change fan
speeds accordingly, thus reducing
noise. SpeedFan can find almost any
hardware monitor chip connected to the
2-wire SMBus (System Management Bus
(trademark belonging to SMIF, Inc.), a
subset of the I2C protocol) and works
fine with Windows 9x, ME, NT, 2000,
2003, XP, Vista and Windows 7. It
works with Windows 64 bit too.