Como obter palavra próxima palavra específica como saída de um arquivo de texto? usando lote?


Eu executei a seguinte linha de comando,

netsh wlan show profile MyWiFi-name key=clear >key.txt

Saída, key.txt

Profile MyWiFi-name on interface Wireless Network Connection: 

Applied: All User Profile    

Profile information 
    Version                : 1
    Type                   : Wireless LAN
    Name                   : MyWiFi-name
    Control options        : 
        Connection mode    : Connect automatically
        Network broadcast  : Connect only if this network is broadcasting
        AutoSwitch         : Do not switch to other networks

Connectivity settings 
    Number of SSIDs        : 1
    SSID name              : "MyWiFi-name"
    Network type           : Infrastructure
    Radio type             : [ Any Radio Type ]
    Vendor extension          : Not present

Security settings 
    Authentication         : WPA-Personal
    Cipher                 : CCMP
    Security key           : Present
    Key Content            : password@1

Minha necessidade é que eu precise apenas de Key Content como uma saída no arquivo de texto. Por favor ajude.

POR EXEMPLO: a saída esperada em key.txt file is,

por Philip 20.02.2018 / 08:48

2 respostas


A saída esperada no arquivo key.txt é


Use o seguinte arquivo de lote (test.cmd):

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
netsh wlan show profile MyWiFi-name key=clear >tmp.txt
for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%i in ('type tmp.txt ^| findstr "Key Content"') do (
  set _key=%%i
  set _key=!_key:~1!
  echo !_key! > key.txt


> test

> type key.txt

Leitura Adicional

por 21.02.2018 / 15:36

Eu fiz antes de um script em lote para encontrar e exibir todos os SSID registrados em um PC com suas senhas e salvá-los em um arquivo de texto.

Senhas Wifi Recovery.bat

@echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
Set "Copyright=by Hackoo 2017"
Title  %~n0 %Copyright%
Mode con cols=75 lines=8
cls & color 0A & echo.
    echo             ***********************************************
    echo                 %~n0 %Copyright%
    echo             ***********************************************
if _%1_==_Main_  goto :Main
Set Count=0
Set L=0
    echo               %~nx0 : self elevating
    set vbs=%temp%\getadmin.vbs
    echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^)
    echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "Main %~sdp0 %*", "", "runas", 1
)> "%vbs%"
    del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
goto :eof
Call :init
Call :CountLines
Set "PasswordLog=%~dp0Wifi_Passwords_on_%ComputerName%.txt"
    echo             ***********************************************
    echo                 %~n0 %Copyright%
    echo             ***********************************************
Call :Color 0E "                 [N][SSID] ================ Password" 1
    echo             ***********************************************
    echo                 %~n0 %Copyright%
    echo             ***********************************************
    echo                  [N][SSID] ==============^> "Password"

for /f "skip=2 delims=: tokens=2" %%a in ('netsh wlan show profiles') do (
    if not "%%a"=="" (
        set "ssid=%%a"
        set "ssid=!ssid:~1!"
        call :Getpassword "!ssid!"
echo Done
If exist "%PasswordLog%" start "" "%PasswordLog%"
set "name=%1"
set "name=!name:"=!"
Set "passwd="
for /f "delims=: tokens=2" %%a in ('netsh wlan show profiles %1 key^=clear ^|find /I "Cont"') do (
    set "passwd=%%a"
    Set /a Count+=1

If defined passwd (
    set passwd=!passwd:~1!
    echo                  [!Count!][!name!] ====^> "!passwd!"
    echo                  [!Count!][!name!] ====^> "!passwd!" >> "%PasswordLog%"
) else (
    Set /a Count+=1
call :color 0C "                 [!Count!][!name!] The Password is empty" 1
    echo                  [!Count!][!name!] The Password is empty >> "%PasswordLog%"
exit /b
prompt $g
for /F "delims=." %%a in ('"prompt $H. & for %%b in (1) do rem"') do set "BS=%%a"
exit /b
set nL=%3
if not defined nL echo requires third argument & pause > nul & goto :eof
if %3 == 0 (
    <nul set /p ".=%bs%">%2 & findstr /v /a:%1 /r "^$" %2 nul & del %2 2>&1 & goto :eof
) else if %3 == 1 (
    echo %bs%>%2 & findstr /v /a:%1 /r "^$" %2 nul & del %2 2>&1 & goto :eof
exit /b
for /f "skip=2 delims=: tokens=2" %%a in ('netsh wlan show profiles') do (
    if not "%%a"=="" (
        set /a L+=1
set /a L=!L! + 10
Set Mod=Mode con cols=75 Lines=!L!
exit /b

Resultados de saída como este:

por 26.02.2018 / 23:29
