Existe alguma correlação entre erros de linha e estabilidade de ping?
Erros de CRC significam que os pacotes precisam ser retransmitidos.
Os erros de FEC não afetam a velocidade da linha, mas indicam que "o processo de Intercalação e Correção de erros está funcionando e fazendo o que deveria".
Tendo dito que você só tem um número muito pequeno de erros de CRC (11 em mais de 6 horas) que não devem realmente afetar sua velocidade de linha ou tempo de ping.
CRC Errors - Cyclic Redundancy Check
Count of CRC errors. CRC is an error detection code used to verify packet transmission between the sender and receiving end. A CRC error indicates that part of the data packet is corrupt and requires re-transmission. - see Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) for a more in depth explanation.
Many CRC errors in a short period of time will show a noticeable reduction in throughput speed. This can be an early indication that there is too much noise on the line and in extreme situations can lead to loss of sync (disconnection with the exchange).
FEC Errors - Forward Error Correction
Count of errors that have been corrected due to error correction being applied to the line. Error correction is turned on at the same time as Interleaving. Its normal to see FEC errors on an Interleaved line and rather than anything to be too concerned about its more an indication that the Interleaving & Error Correction process is working and doing what it should. - See Error Correction for more information.
(ênfase minha)