Reproduzir música de duas fontes diferentes


Minha pergunta, mais especificamente, é sobre ter programas como spotify, groove, etc. para reproduzir música dos alto-falantes, enquanto o som de outro aplicativo é reproduzido no meu fone de ouvido ou algo diferente dos alto-falantes. Pode ser feito?

por Nicola Galluccio 10.07.2017 / 14:37

1 resposta


Claro que você pode.

O pago CheVolume :

CheVolume is a useful and reliable piece of software whose main purpose resides in offering you the means of outputting various audio application through a specific set of speakers, headphones or other similar devices.

CheVolume is a handy tool that you can rely on for managing the output location for all your sound-emitting software, be they games, media players or web browsers, so you can enjoy multiple activities simultaneously.

A alternativa gratuita em Github :

Audio Router

I created a similar app that does exactly what CheVolume does, except this is free at least for now. I tried to make a public post about it here on /r/software, but apparently they don't allow any download links to unknown apps in a text post.

E um bônus IndieVolume (software muito antigo)

IndieVolume makes Windows programs use separate volume controls independent of other Windows programs.

Bespoke per-application volume, IndieVolume can also make Windows programs shut when GPS speaks, boost too silent sound, propagate sounds to multiple rooms in your apartment and many more.

por 10.07.2017 / 15:09