Quem pode explicar as novas opções do chdsk no Windows 8/10?


Quem pode explicar as novas opções do chdsk no Windows 8/10?  As novas opções são


Não consigo encontrar nenhuma explicação, exceto o chkdsk /? informações, mas há poucas informações e a fonte: link não explica o / sdcleanup nem a diferença entre / offlinescanandfix e / forceofflinefix e / r

por Christophe Maggi 17.05.2016 / 17:39

1 resposta


A postura da Microsoft sobre as mudanças no chkdsk

So in Windows 8, we’ve changed the way we approach the health model of NTFS and changed the way we fix corruptions so as to minimize the downtime due to chkdsk. We’ve also introduced a new file system for the future, ReFS, which does not require an offline chkdsk to repair corruptions.

Fonte: Redesenhando o chkdsk e o novo modelo de integridade NTFS

Switches somente NTFS

  1. /scan Runs an online scan on the specified partition.
  2. /forceofflinefix Bypass all online repair; all defects found are queued for offline repair (i.e. chkdsk /spotfix). Should not be used without "/scan".
  3. /perf Uses more system resources to complete a scan as fast as possible. This may have a negative performance impact on other tasks running on the system.
  4. /spotfix Runs spot fixing on the specified volume.
  5. /sdcleanup Garbage collect unneeded security descriptor data. Must be used with "/F".
  6. /offlinescanandfix Runs an offline scan on the specified volume and fixes errors if any corruption is detected.

Switches somente FAT / FAT32 / exFAT

  1. /freeorphanedchains Frees any orphaned cluster chains instead of recovering their contents.
  2. /markclean Marks the volume clean if no corruption was detected, even if "/F" was not set.

Fonte: Verifique o disco no Windows 10

por 17.05.2016 / 17:54