Se você tivesse esse problema novamente, aconselho usar KON-BOOT , ele ignora todas as janelas de verificação de senha, para que você possa inicializar o Windows e alterar a senha.
É como um live cd que inicializa antes do Windows e o engana quando solicitado pela senha.
Ótima ferramenta para hackear sua própria caixa (você só pode mudar o passe, você não pode ver o oldo)
Do site:
Kon-Boot is an prototype piece of
software which allows to change
contents of a linux kernel (and now
Windows kernel also!!!) on the fly
(while booting).
In the current
compilation state it allows to log
into a linux system as 'root' user
without typing the correct password or
to elevate privileges from current
user to root. For Windows systems it
allows to enter any password protected
profile without any knowledge of the
It was acctually started as
silly project of mine, which was born
from my never-ending memory problems
:) Secondly it was mainly created for
Ubuntu, later i have made few add-ons
to cover some other linux
Finally, please
consider this is my first linux
project so far :)
Entire Kon-Boot was
written in pure x86 assembly, using
old grandpa-geezer TASM 4.0.