Servidor FTP inacessível de dispositivo não host


Eu configurei um servidor FTP no meu laptop usando o gerenciador do IIS. Eu posso acessá-lo digitando (IP interno do meu laptop), mas apenas no laptop que eu configurei o servidor.

Configurei o encaminhamento de porta no meu roteador (porta externa: 20-20, porta interna: 21-21, protocolo: TCP), no entanto, o aviso:

"Nota: O acesso ao servidor FTP via FTP é alterado para 2121 na WAN. Na LAN ainda está na porta 21." aparece.

O site está inacessível em qualquer outro dispositivo que esteja na mesma rede.

Abaixo está a captura de tela das opções de encaminhamento de porta:


por George Tian 10.12.2017 / 12:18

1 resposta


O site está inacessível em qualquer outro dispositivo que esteja na mesma rede.

I have set up port forwarding on my router (External port: 20-20, Internal port: 21-21, protocol: TCP), however, the warning:

"Note: Access to the modem FTP Server via FTP port change to 2121 on the WAN. On the LAN is still on port 21." appears.

O encaminhamento de portas no roteador afetará apenas o acesso externo. Você precisa alterar as configurações do firewall local no laptop.

However, if Windows Firewall is completely turned off, it is accessible.

Veja abaixo as instruções.

Como configurar o Firewall do Windows para um servidor FTP no modo passivo

Configure the FTP service to only use a limited number of ports for passive mode FTP

  • In the IIS 7.0 Manager, in the Connections pane, click the top node for your server.

  • In the details pane, double-click FTP Firewall Support.

  • Enter the range of port numbers that you want the FTP service to use. For example, 41000-41099 allows the server to support 100 passive mode data connections simultaneously.

  • Enter the external IPv4 address of the firewall through which the data connections arrive.

  • In the Actions pane, click Apply to save your settings.

You must also create a firewall rule on the FTP server to allow inbound connections on the ports you configured in the previous procedure. Although you could create a rule that specifies the ports by number, it is easier to create a rule that opens any port on which the FTP service is listening. You limit the ports on which FTP is listening by following the steps in the previous procedure.

Configure an inbound firewall rule to allow inbound FTP connections to only the ports on which FTP is listening

  • Open an Administrator command-prompt. Click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as Administrator.

  • Run the following command:

    netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=”FTP Service” action=allow service=ftpsvc protocol=TCP dir=in
  • Finally, disable stateful FTP filtering so that the firewall does not block any FTP traffic.

    netsh advfirewall set global StatefulFTP disable

Fonte Como configurar Firewall do Windows para um servidor FTP no modo passivo

por 10.12.2017 / 13:00