Você pode usar a função DATEDIF
para calcular a duração
Sintaxe :
=DATEDIF(Start_Date, End_Date, Unit) or e.g =DATEDIF(A1,A2,"m").
no lugar da unidade substitua o seguinte para obter os resultados
"Y" Retorna a diferença do período como anos completos.
“M” Returns the period difference as complete months.
“D” Returns the number of days in the period.
“MD” Returns the difference between the days in ‘Start_Date’ and ‘End_Date’. Here the months and years of the dates are ignored.
“YM” Returns the difference between the months in ‘Start_Date’ and
‘End_Date’. Here the days and years of the dates are ignored
“YD” Returns the difference between the days of ‘Start_Date’ and ‘End_Date’. Here the years of the dates are ignored.
Uso de amostra :
= DATEDIF (A1, A2, "m").