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To hold down or release a key: Enclose in braces the name of the key followed by the word Down or Up. For example:
Send {b down}{b up}
Send {TAB down}{TAB up}
Send {Up down} ; Press down the up-arrow key.
Sleep 1000 ; Keep it down for one second.
Send> {Up up} ; Release the up-arrow key.
When a key is held down via the method above, it does not begin auto-repeating like it would if you were physically holding it down (this is because auto-repeat is a driver/hardware feature). However, a Loop can be used to simulate auto-repeat. The following example sends 20 tab keystrokes:
Loop 20 {
Send {Tab down} ; Auto-repeat consists of consecutive down-events (with no up-events).
Sleep 30 ; The number of milliseconds between keystrokes (or use SetKeyDelay).
Send {Tab up} ; Release the key.
The word DownTemp may also be used. Its effect is the same as Down except for the modifer keys (Control/Shift/Alt/Win). In those cases, DownTemp tells subsequent sends that the key is not permanently down, and may be released whenever a keystroke calls for it. For example, Send {Control DownTemp} followed later by Send a would produce a normal "a" keystroke, not a control-A keystroke.