Coloque em espera a menos que haja algo fazendo o download / upload


Eu queria saber se é possível configurar o computador para ir dormir após um período X, a menos que haja algum dado passando pela ethernet ou wifi, como um torrent ou meu servidor de mídia.

por Vitaliy Isikov 05.06.2013 / 04:59

1 resposta


Um programa como Obturador pode ajudar:

Shutter is a multifunctional scheduling utility, which has a user friendly and easy-to-use interface and supports many different Events and Actions. Events: Countdown, On Time, Winamp Stops, Low CPU Usage, User Inactive, Battery Low, Window Closes, Process Stops, Ping Stops, File Size Limit. Actions: Shutdown, Reboot, Log Off, Lock Workstation, Sleep, Hibernate, Monitor Turn Off, Un/Mute Master Volume, Hang Up, Alarm, Play Sound, Execute Program.

Desktop links can be created to execute any of the supported actions directly from desktop. Web Interface allows remote execution of actions and displays run-time information about the computer: Up Time, List of Processes, Screenshot of a Desktop, Program Execution, and more.

por 05.06.2013 / 05:37