Definir nível de zoom padrão no Excel 2007


Como faço para obter o zoom padrão para 75% em uma planilha? Eu posso configurá-lo, mas quando eu faço a pré-visualização da página, em seguida, de volta para a planilha normal, ele volta para 100%. Eu adicionei uma captura de tela para que você possa ver o que quero dizer.

por ben950 05.04.2011 / 11:30

1 resposta


De Definindo o fator de zoom da visualização de impressão padrão :

The short answer is that it isn't possible. Why? Because the hard-wired starting point for Print Preview is to use a "Whole Page" zoom factor. This is because Print Preview is designed to let you see what the page will look like when printed, not necessarily to read what is on that page. There is no way to change this default zoom factor setting in Print Preview itself.

There are workarounds, however. The "Whole Page" zoom factor can vary in size, depending on the size of the actual page you are displaying and depending on the size of the program window you are using to display Word. Thus, if you maximize the program window, you end up with more space in which to display the page in Print Preview.

The other possible workaround is to create a macro that will display Print Preview for you. The macro could be assigned to a shortcut key or a toolbar button (the Quick Access toolbar in Word 2007) for easy use. Here's an example of a macro that will invoke Print Preview and then set the zoom factor to 50%.

Sub MyPrintPrev()
    With ActiveWindow.View
        .Type = wdPrintPreview
        .Zoom.Percentage = 50
    End With
End Sub
por 05.04.2011 / 11:55