svcutil.exe não é reconhecido como um comando interno ou externo, um programa operável ou um arquivo de lote


Olhando para use SvcUtil.exe em vez do comando wsdl .

Onde está SvcUtil.exe ?

thufir> ls 'C:\Program Files\'

    Directory: C:\Program Files

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
da----       2016-10-26   1:40 PM                7-Zip
d-----       2016-10-04  11:06 AM                Common Files
d-----       2017-08-15   4:31 AM                Intel
d-----       2018-01-13  12:19 AM                Internet Explorer
da----       2017-08-15   7:56 AM                Managed Defender
d-----       2016-10-04  11:03 AM                Microsoft Analysis Services
da----       2017-08-15   8:04 AM                Microsoft Office
da----       2017-08-15   7:39 AM                Microsoft Policy Platform
d-----       2016-10-04  11:06 AM                Microsoft SQL Server
d-----       2016-10-04  11:07 AM                Microsoft.NET
d-----       2016-10-26   1:19 PM                MSBuild
d-----       2017-08-15   8:04 AM                Oracle
d-----       2017-08-15   4:30 AM                Realtek
d-----       2016-10-26   1:19 PM                Reference Assemblies
d-r---       2017-11-28   1:11 AM                Windows Defender
d-----       2017-09-16   6:16 AM                Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection
d-----       2017-08-15   7:56 AM                Windows Firewall Configuration Provider
d-----       2017-10-24  12:23 AM                Windows Mail
d-----       2017-08-16  12:21 AM                Windows Media Player
d-----       2016-07-16   4:47 AM                Windows Multimedia Platform
d-----       2016-07-16   4:47 AM                Windows NT
d-----       2018-02-20  12:04 AM                Windows Photo Viewer
d-----       2016-07-16   4:47 AM                Windows Portable Devices
d-----       2016-07-16   4:47 AM                WindowsPowerShell


Isso significa que SvcUtil não é instalado ?


O manual excelente diz que deve estar naquele local, provavelmente não instalado.

por Thufir 22.02.2018 / 16:45

1 resposta


Onde está o SvcUtil.exe?

Não está instalado no seu computador.

Do link em sua pergunta:

The ServiceModel Metadata Utility Tool can be found at the Windows SDK installation location, specifically, C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0\Bin

Você precisa instalar o Windows SDK (incluído como parte do Visual Studio).


Using SvcUtil.exe

You can use SvcUtil.exe to generate a proxy and the configuration settings that define how to connect to the native endpoint for the Dynamics GP service. This may be necessary if Visual Studio cannot create the appropriate entries in the app.config for the service reference you add to your project. Complete the following procedure to use SvcUtil.exe to generate a proxy and configuration settings.

  1. Open a Visual Studio Command Prompt window.

    Click the Start menu, click Visual Studio, click Visual Studio Tools, and then click Visual Studio Command Prompt.

  2. Set the current folder.

    In the command prompt, se t the current folder to the location where you want the generated proxy and configuration files to be created.

  3. Run SvcUtil.exe to generate the output files.

    To use svcutil.exe you need to provide the URL of the native endpoint for the Dynamics GP service and the namespace of the service reference you added to your Visual Studio project. Typically, this is "DynamicsGPService".

    Enter the following on a single line and then press Enter.

    svcutil.exe http://<machine>:<port>/Dynamics/GPService /n:*,DynamicsGPService
  4. Use the generated files.

    If you choose to, you can use the generated proxy in your project. You can also use the generated configuration settings in the app.config for a Visual Studio project. In a text editor, open the output.config file created by SvcUtil.exe. Copy the node from the ouput.config file and add it to the app.config file of your Visual Studio project.

Fonte Usando o SvcUtil.exe

por 22.02.2018 / 22:20