Altera a permissão do grupo de impressoras com script?


Como altero as permissões "todos" do grupo de usuários em uma impressora local usando um script? Eu tenho andado por aí e algo está me dizendo para usar o ACL usando o powershell?

por Isaac F 19.01.2017 / 14:26

1 resposta


Consulte os recursos abaixo e as etapas citadas para obter detalhes sobre como configurar as permissões da impressora via linha de comando no Windows (PowerShell e Batch).

Batch modify printer permissions

If you want to do it with a comand line tool, get subinacl from the Resource Kit:

subinacl /printer <\printer name> /grant=Everyone=F

or by modifying Steve's script:

for /f %a in ('net share ^| find "Spooled"') do subinacl /printer %a /grant=Everyone=F


PowerShell - Add Printer Permission

Windows Server 2012 comes with the PrintManagement module, which makes automation Management of Printers easier. But testing cmdlets like Add-Printer and Set-Printer I noticed that you can set Printer Permission only using the Parameter -PermissionSDDL . These Parameters in both cmdlets expect Printer Permission using Security Definition Description Language (SDDL) which is not what you can type on the command line that easy.

Function Add-LHSPrinterPermissionSDDL 

    ConfirmImpact = 'Low', 
    SupportsShouldProcess = $false 


        HelpMessage='A Security Group or User like "Domain\GroupName" or "Domain\UserName"')] 



    Set-StrictMode -Version Latest 

    ${CmdletName} = $Pscmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name 

} # end BEGIN 


        $isContainer = $false 
        $isDS = $false 
        $SecurityDescriptor = New-Object -TypeName ' 
            Security.AccessControl.CommonSecurityDescriptor ' 
            $isContainer, $isDS, $existingSDDL 

        Write-Verbose "Adding Permission for Group $Account" 
        #get the SID for the specified Group and add it to the SDDL 
        $NTAccount = New-Object Security.Principal.NTAccount $Account 
        $NTAccountSid = $NTAccount.Translate([Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]).Value 

            268435456, #full control all operations 
            [System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags]::None) | Out-Null 

        return $SecurityDescriptor.GetSddlForm("All") 
    catch [Exception]  
        Write-Error -Message "Failed To Generate SDDL (review inner exception):'n $_.Message" ' 
            -Exception $_.Exception 
} # end PROCESS 

END { Write-Verbose "Function ${CmdletName} finished." } 
} #end Function Add-LHSPrinterPermissionSDDL


Recursos adicionais

por 19.01.2017 / 14:41