Problemas com extensões USB 2.0 totalizando 40 ft [duplicado]


Eu tenho uma TV a cerca de 40 pés do meu pc (vários quartos e um nível separado nos) eu quero usar como outro monitor. Eu corri HDMI para a TV, que funcionou bem, mas depois eu tentei executar uma cadeia de múltiplos 10 pés USB 2.0 M / F do meu computador para um hub USB 2.0, onde eu então conectei meu teclado e mouse no hub. Eu fiz isso sem consultar ninguém, e agora percebo que deveria, já que estou tendo problemas para fazer com que meu PC reconheça os dispositivos conectados ao hub. Eu posso ligar um único dispositivo no final da cadeia USB e isso funciona bem, no entanto eu preciso de dois dispositivos no hub no final. Degradação da força do sinal não é um grande negócio para mim, a propósito, tudo que eu preciso é de teclado / mouse.

Eu tenho lido sobre hubs USB e USB com extensão ativa hoje e acho que eles podem resolver meu problema, mas não estou familiarizado com eles. Alguém pode oferecer uma ideia para uma configuração para que eu possa usar um mouse e um teclado com essa TV, enquanto meu PC está a mais de dez metros de distância?

Houve algumas perguntas similares que li e que não resolveram meu problema, então não acho que isso seja uma duplicata. Desculpe antecipadamente por qualquer coisa, como eu sou novo.

forneça uma solução para minha configuração desejada

por Hatandboots 18.08.2015 / 18:50

1 resposta


Como quebrar as limitações de comprimento do USB

Você pode usar vários hubs USB (não mais de 5m entre eles) ou cabos ativos.

With the USB specs limiting the length of cables, is there a way to extend those limits? Yes! However, in order to go beyond these cable length limits (or recommended lengths) you need to use self-powered USB hubs or active (repeater) cables; both of which have their own limits as well. Other options such as USB over Ethernet or building your own USB bridge can extend the USB range further. Back to Top

USB Hubs:

You can use extension cables and self-powered USB hubs connected together to extend the range of your USB device. However, it is important to remember when using 2.0 hubs and cables that the distance between each powered hub can be no more than 5 meters (16 feet and 5 inches). When using 3.0/3.1 hubs and cables, do not exceed the recommended length of 3 meters (9 feet and 10 inches) between hubs. Note: It is possible to use bus-powered USB hubs, but you will quickly run out of power as you extend your setup.

Active (Repeater) Extension Cables:

USB active extension cables contain electronics that regenerate the USB signal. Active cables are essentially 1 port USB hubs. You can use a regular USB cable in conjunction with an active cable as long as the regular cable is not more than 5 meters (16 feet and 5 inches) long for 2.0 devices and not more than 3 meters (9 feet and 10 inches) long for 3.0 devices. Note: Typically, active cables are bus-powered cables. To ensure you receive the full 500mA power of a USB port, consider purchasing an active cable that includes a separate power adapter.

USB Hub Limits and Maximum Length of Active Cables

Just like there is a limit on a regular (passive) USB cable, there is also a limit on how long an active cable can be and how many USB hubs you can use.

Maximum number of USB Hubs:

The USB 2.0/3.0/3.1 specifications call for only 7 tiers of devices to be connected. When you count the devices on each end (the host and the peripheral device), that only leaves 5 tiers available and a USB hub is considered 1 tier. Thus, only a maximum of 5 USB hubs can be used for a total maximum length of 30 meters (about 98 feet and 5 inches).

Maximum length of USB active (repeater) cable:

This number depends if you are using a regular cable with an active cable or not. If you are not using a regular cable, then the maximum active cable length for USB 2.0 is 30 meters (98 feet and 5 inches) and the maximum recommended length for USB 3.0/3.1 is 18 meters (about 59 feet). If you are using a regular cable (max length of 5 meters for 2.0 and max length of 3 meters for 3.0/3.1) with an active cable, then the maximum length for USB 2.0 is 25 meters (about 82 feet) and the maximum recommended length for USB 3.0/3.1 is 15 meters (about 49 feet).

Is there any way to go beyond the limit of active cables or hubs?

There are other ways you can extend a USB signal beyond the 30 meter limit. You can use USB over Ethernet to achieve distances up to 100 meters (about 328 feet). Additionally, you can build your own USB bridge to transmit data over different communication channels such as wireless methods.

Fonte Limitações do comprimento do cabo USB e como interromper Eles

por 18.08.2015 / 19:05