De info sort
Many options affect how ‘sort’ compares lines; if the results are
unexpected, try the ‘--debug’ option to see what happened. A pair of
lines is compared as follows: ‘sort’ compares each pair of fields, in
the order specified on the command line, according to the associated
ordering options, until a difference is found or no fields are left. If
no key fields are specified, ‘sort’ uses a default key of the entire
line. Finally, as a last resort when all keys compare equal, ‘sort’
compares entire lines as if no ordering options other than ‘--reverse’
(‘-r’) were specified. The ‘--stable’ (‘-s’) option disables this
“last-resort comparison” so that lines in which all fields compare equal
are left in their original relative order. The ‘--unique’ (‘-u’) option
also disables the last-resort comparison.
Então, para alcançar o resultado desejado (tendo em mente que seu primeiro campo é numérico)
$ sort -s -k1,1n file
1 c
1 b
5 f
8 a