Qual é a melhor maneira de instalar a biblioteca gráfica GD para o Nagios?


Ao tentar instalar o Nagios 3.2.3, eu executei o script ./configure e obtive estes erros:

checking for main in -liconv... no
checking for gdImagePng in -lgd (order 1)... no
checking for gdImagePng in -lgd (order 2)... no
checking for gdImagePng in -lgd (order 3)... no
checking for gdImagePng in -lgd (order 4)... no

*** GD, PNG, and/or JPEG libraries could not be located... *********

Boutell's GD library is required to compile the statusmap, trends
and histogram CGIs.  Get it from http://www.boutell.com/gd/, compile
it, and use the --with-gd-lib and --with-gd-inc arguments to specify
the locations of the GD library and include files.

NOTE: In addition to the gd-devel library, you'll also need to make
      sure you have the png-devel and jpeg-devel libraries installed
      on your system.

NOTE: After you install the necessary libraries on your system:
      1. Make sure /etc/ld.so.conf has an entry for the directory in
         which the GD, PNG, and JPEG libraries are installed.
      2. Run 'ldconfig' to update the run-time linker options.
      3. Run 'make clean' in the Nagios distribution to clean out
         any old references to your previous compile.
      4. Rerun the configure script.

NOTE: If you can't get the configure script to recognize the GD libs
      on your system, get over it and move on to other things.  The
      CGIs that use the GD libs are just a small part of the entire
      Nagios package.  Get everything else working first and then
      revisit the problem.  Make sure to check the nagios-users
      mailing list archives for possible solutions to GD library
      problems when you resume your troubleshooting.


Qual pacote eu quero? libgd2-xpm-dev? libgd2-noxpm-dev? php5-gd? Eu não estou querendo fazer nenhum processamento de imagem - eu só quero que o Nagios funcione.

por coffee-grinder 05.03.2011 / 16:33

2 respostas


Se você olhar o guia de início rápido no site dos nagios , notará que o guia para o Ubuntu 7.10 e posterior pede-lhe para instalar libgd2-xpm-dev com este comando:

sudo apt-get install libgd2-xpm-dev

Isso deve ser feito para você! É claro que você sempre pode seguir o guia do Ubuntu Server e instalar os pacotes nagios ao invés de construir você mesmo .

por Chad Stovern 05.03.2011 / 16:57

Eu usei comandos assim:

sudo apt-get install php5-gd
sudo service apache2 restart
por Aret 03.09.2013 / 22:43