É possível salvar o histórico do icq (cliente pidgin) na conta do Gmail?


Estou usando o pidgin para a conta do icq.

De diferentes locais de trabalho.

Eu tenho logs de pidgin (apenas arquivos de texto) e quero salvá-los no gmail com tags personalizadas.

Qualquer ajuda? Software, scripts, howtos?

UPD: Eu encontrei algum script em: link

que baixa / restaura arquivos do gmail.

Agora vou tentar converter os logs do pidgin para o formato gmvault e restaurá-lo no Gmail.

por Korjavin Ivan 04.05.2012 / 12:44

1 resposta


"salvar" no Gmail? E-mail deles. Abra uma conta de email diferente e envie-a por email como anexos à sua conta do Gmail.

Ou ... desde que você tenha uma conta do Gmail, use sua conta do Google Docs e faça o upload dos registros para sua caixa de entrada do Google Docs.

Ou ... ative sua conta do Google Drive desde que você tenha o Google Docs, pois você tem o Gmail e faça o upload deles para a caixa de unidades comuns.

Se você quiser que tudo isso aconteça automaticamente ... instale o Google Drive em cada máquina em que você usar o pidgen e, nas configurações do pidgen, altere o diretório em que os registros serão salvos no diretório do Google Drive na máquina. Eles não serão marcados com nada personalizado, mas estarão acessíveis para você de qualquer outra máquina.

EDITAR depois de uma pesquisa mais extensa, é possível fazer, mas com um cliente de mensagens instantâneas diferente para se registrar no Jabber. Depois que a conta do Jabber for criada, o Pidgen deve funcionar.

You'll need Psi or another jabber client that supports registering with jabber transports. You'll need that only when registering with the JIT service, you can use any other jabber client afterwards.

You have to add a new Psi account that will let you login to your gtalk account. It boils down to setting your identity to [email protected], overriding the server hostname to talk.google.com, and using port 5223 (secure). You'll probably get a certificate warning when you connect. Google have an extensive guide with screenshots, you can check that if it doesn't just work for you.

Select "Service Discovery" in Psi, type jabber.anywise.com in the address bar. Google don't have a JIT service so you'll have to use an external one, other jabber servers will work too. You don't need to create a [email protected] account, Google's jabber server will find its way to the JIT service. From the list select JIT, right click and select register. You'll be asked for your UIN and password. Once that's configured you're on ICQ.

To add an ICQ user to your contact list add a jabber user with identity [email protected], replace 1234 with a real UIN.

If you want to import your complete contact list you'll need the JRU, for gmail.com/googlemail.com it's a bit complicated because I couldn't find how to override the connect server hostname for the perl library they use. Google's talk servers don't support non-secure connections so we have to deal with that too.

What I ended up doing is in JRU I enter username: myusername, server: gmail.com, port: 5224. Then I add a temporary hosts file override that tells my OS that in case it sees the hostname gmail.com it should internally resolve it to I then use socat to wrap the connection in SSL and point it to the right server (talk.google.com). The command is socat tcp4-listen:5224,fork,reuseaddr ssl:talk.google.com:5223,verify=0.

After you modify your hosts file and run socat you will be able to connect to your GTalk account with JRU and use its batch contacts editing capabilities.

You might be able to get away without socat if you can get Net::Jabber::Client to talk secure and use just a hosts override for gmail.com to the IP of talk.google.com.

por 04.05.2012 / 17:15