Como posso instalar o yuuguu no Ubuntu 10.04?


Como posso instalar o yuuguu no Ubuntu 10.04?

por Bill the Lizard 07.08.2010 / 09:30

2 respostas


De Yuuguu não instala no Ubuntu 10.04 :

In Ubuntu 10.04 the Sun JRE has been moved from the multiverse repository to the partners repository (which is not enabled by default).

To install Yuuguu you will need to enable the partners repository using the following steps:

  1. Bring up the "Software Sources" settings
  2. Select the "Other Software" tab.
  3. Enable the "partner" source.
  4. Close the settings.
  5. Try installing Yuuguu again.

Ubuntu have moved the Sun JRE in an attempt to encourage people to use the open source OpenJDK instead. When we first released Yuuguu for Linux we looked at using OpenJDK but there were font issues that broke the client.

We will look at either switching to OpenJDK or updating the installation instructions after 10.04 has been finalised and shipped.

por 07.08.2010 / 10:04

A versão mais recente do Yuuguu será agora instalada no Ubuntu. Isso pode ser baixado através da seção "Sua Conta" do site ou através dos links "Inscreva-se" se você não tiver uma conta.

por 18.10.2010 / 12:34
