Você pode não ter alterado todas as configurações necessárias.
De Como tornar as visualizações da barra de tarefas do Vista e as miniaturas de ALT-TAB maiores :
Save this to a .reg file and run as
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AltTab]
I've also tightened up the borders and
margins a bit, to make room for larger
thumbnails. However, before importing
this into your registry you must edit
the MaxThumbSizePx to a size that
works on your monitor first! The
current value, above, is DC hex or 220
decimal, which works on my 1600 x 1200
primary monitor. The maximum row size
is 7, so each row is 7 x 220 = 1540,
right under the 1600 width.