Dism falha com erro 3017


Eu corro o Dism no windows server 2012 e recebo o erro 3017 quando executo o DISM. No log, vejo:

2017-05-26 17:31:03, Error                 DISM   DISM Package Manager: PID=956 TID=2676 Failed to get the State of the Feature - CDISMPackageFeature::Internal_GetCbsState(hr:0x800f0902)
2017-05-26 17:31:03, Error                 DISM   DISM Package Manager: PID=956 TID=2676 Failed to get the CBS State of the Feature - CDISMPackageFeature::get_State(hr:0x800f0902)
2017-05-26 17:31:03, Error                 DISM   API: PID=1748 TID=2316 Failed to get feature state - DismFeature_InternalToPublicEx(hr:0x800f0902)
2017-05-26 17:31:03, Error                 DISM   API: PID=1748 TID=2316 Failed to transform 2 feature from internal to public - IDismFeatureCollection_InternalToPublicEx(hr:0x800f0902)
2017-05-26 17:31:03, Error                 DISM   API: PID=1748 TID=2316 Transform feature collection internal to public failed - CGetFeaturesCommandObject::InternalExecute(hr:0x800f0902)
2017-05-26 17:31:03, Error                 DISM   API: PID=1748 TID=2316 InternalExecute failed - CBaseCommandObject::Execute(hr:0x800f0902)
2017-05-26 17:31:03, Error                 DISM   API: PID=1748 TID=2888 CGetFeaturesCommandObject internal execution failed - DismGetFeaturesExInternal(hr:0x800f0902)

Como posso corrigir esse problema?


por n179911 29.06.2017 / 22:33

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