Embora não seja totalmente claro quando a unidade em questão ainda existe ou não, parece que o documentação oficial do Wavelab Studio 6 inclui instruções sobre como alterar diretórios temporários.
WaveLab Studio allows you to specify up to three different folders for storing temporary files. If you have access to more than one drive, saving your temp files on separate drives (not partitions) can considerably speed up performance.
- Select “Folders…” from the Options menu. This opens the Folders dialog, where you can edit how various WaveLab Studio folders are handled .
- Click on the plus sign beside the “Temporary folders” item (this is located in the “Work folders” category). Three possible folders can be specified for temp files.
- Selecting one of the Temporary Folder items will show the current location where the temp files will be created in the Folder field to the right.
- Either type in the path to the directory or you can browse the drives to locate and select the folder via a standard Windows file dialog. Click OK to select a folder and exit the file dialog.