Existe uma maneira de adicionar a data da última alteração do slide ao PowerPoint?
Você pode usar uma macro acionada por um botão, da seguinte maneira:
Sub UpdateModifyDateOnMaster()
Dim oShp As Shape
For i = 1 To ActivePresentation.Designs.Count
With ActivePresentation.Designs(i).SlideMaster.Shapes
For j = 1 To .Placeholders.Count
If .Placeholders(j).PlaceholderFormat.Type = ppPlaceholderDate Then
.Placeholders(j).TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Last Modified: " & Format(Now(), "mm/dd/yyyy")
End If
End With
End Sub
Sub UpdateModifyDateOnSlides()
Dim oShp As Shape
For i = 1 To ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.Count
With ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange(i).Shapes
For j = 1 To .Count
If .Item(j).Type = msoPlaceholder Then
If .Item(j).PlaceholderFormat.Type = ppPlaceholderDate Then
.Item(j).TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Last Modified: " & Format(Now(), "mm/dd/yyyy")
End If
End If
End With
End Sub
Assign a button to fire this when you want to update the modified date. - You can use either of the two.
The first macro checks for the date placeholder on the slide master and updates it.
The second macro checks for date placeholder on the selected range of slides and updates it.
Origem Inserir data da última modificação no PowerPoint