Location of Tcl 8.5 library: not found Location of Tk 8.5 library: not found
Significa que você está perdendo as bibliotecas Tcl e Tk (pacotes de desenvolvimento).
Instale tcl8.5-dev e tk8.5-dev
e você deve estar pronto.
Como eu encontrei isso? Use a pesquisa em caminhos no site link :
Antes de instalar os pacotes:
$ ./configure
configure: Makefile configuration program for Scid
Tcl/Tk version: 8.5
Your operating system is: Linux 3.8.0-29-generic
Location of "tcl.h": not found
Location of "tk.h": not found
Location of Tcl 8.5 library: /usr/lib
Location of Tk 8.5 library: /usr/lib
Checking if your system already has zlib installed: yes.
Using Makefile.conf.
Not all settings could be determined!
The default Makefile was written.
You will need to edit it before you can compile Scid.
Depois de instalar os pacotes:
$ ./configure
configure: Makefile configuration program for Scid
Renaming "Makefile" to "Makefile.bak"
Tcl/Tk version: 8.5
Your operating system is: Linux 3.8.0-29-generic
Location of "tcl.h": /usr/include/tcl8.5
Location of "tk.h": /usr/include/tcl8.5
Location of Tcl 8.5 library: /usr/lib
Location of Tk 8.5 library: /usr/lib
Checking if your system already has zlib installed: yes.
Using Makefile.conf.
The Makefile configured for your system was written.
Multi-threading enabled (if you have problems try ./configure THREADS="").
Now just type "make" to compile Scid.
Você vê, é muito parecido e é fácil ignorar o fato de que está sendo bem sucedido agora.