A minha escola está bloqueando a conexão IRC?


Estou tentando conectar-me ao irc.mozilla.org e ao freenode e recebo as seguintes mensagens no cliente do IRC.

14:17:07  weechat     | irc: server mozilla created
14:17:15  mozilla     | irc: connecting to server irc.mozilla.org/6697...
14:17:16  mozilla     | irc: connected to irc.mozilla.org/6697 (
14:17:16  mozilla =!= | irc: reading data on socket: error 104 Connection reset by peer
14:17:16  mozilla     | irc: disconnecting from server...
14:17:16  mozilla     | irc: disconnected from server
14:17:16  mozilla     | irc: reconnecting to server in 10 seconds
14:17:26  mozilla     | irc: reconnecting to server...
14:17:26  mozilla     | irc: connecting to server irc.mozilla.org/6697...
14:17:26  mozilla     | irc: connected to irc.mozilla.org/6697 (
14:17:26  mozilla =!= | irc: reading data on socket: error 104 Connection reset by peer
14:17:26  mozilla     | irc: disconnecting from server...
14:17:26  mozilla     | irc: disconnected from server
14:17:26  mozilla     | irc: reconnecting to server in 20 seconds
14:17:46  mozilla     | irc: reconnecting to server...
14:17:46  mozilla     | irc: connecting to server irc.mozilla.org/6697...
14:17:46  mozilla     | irc: connected to irc.mozilla.org/6697 (
14:17:46  mozilla =!= | irc: reading data on socket: error 104 Connection reset by peer
14:17:46  mozilla     | irc: disconnecting from server...
14:17:46  mozilla     | irc: disconnected from server
14:17:46  mozilla     | irc: reconnecting to server in 40 seconds
14:18:26  mozilla     | irc: reconnecting to server...
14:18:26  mozilla     | irc: connecting to server irc.mozilla.org/6697...
14:18:26  mozilla     | irc: connected to irc.mozilla.org/6697 (
14:18:26  mozilla =!= | irc: reading data on socket: error 104 Connection reset by peer
14:18:26  mozilla     | irc: disconnecting from server...
14:18:26  mozilla     | irc: disconnected from server
14:18:26  mozilla     | irc: reconnecting to server in 1 minute, 20 seconds
14:19:14  weechat     | irc: server oftc created
14:19:19     oftc     | irc: connecting to server irc.oftc.net/6667...
14:19:36 freenode === | ========== End of backlog (5 lines) ==========
14:19:36 freenode     | irc: connecting to server chat.freenode.net/7000...
14:19:46  mozilla     | irc: reconnecting to server...
14:19:46  mozilla     | irc: connecting to server irc.mozilla.org/6697...
14:19:46  mozilla     | irc: connected to irc.mozilla.org/6697 (
14:19:46  mozilla =!= | irc: reading data on socket: error 104 Connection reset by peer
14:19:46  mozilla     | irc: disconnecting from server...
14:19:46  mozilla     | irc: disconnected from server
14:19:46  mozilla     | irc: reconnecting to server in 2 minutes, 40 seconds

Ele disse "reset". Se foi recusado, provavelmente acho que está bloqueado. Mas está sendo redefinido depois de conectado, o que está acontecendo? Filtragem de pacotes?

Como eu testo se minha escola está ou não impedindo que o cliente de IRC se conecte a um servidor de IRC? Eu sou um usuário Linux (Ubuntu).

por CppLearner 29.08.2013 / 20:23

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