Não é possível acessar a tela principal e o modo de segurança não funciona


É o computador do meu amigo, por isso não estou muito familiarizado com ele, não consigo fazer com que ele comece. Eu posso chegar à tela de logon, mas depois de digitar a senha, há um erro (algo a ver com o Roxio) e apenas o fundo é carregado. Não há menu Iniciar, barra de tarefas ou ícones. Se eu inicializá-lo no modo de segurança, ele fica preso em uma tela preta e nem sequer obtém o prompt de comando. Estou confiante de que, se eu pudesse acessar o menu para editar programas de inicialização, eu poderia consertar o problema ... alguma idéia?

por Link 02.02.2011 / 23:01

1 resposta


Você pode fazer uma restauração manual do sistema, isso pode corrigir o problema de inicialização.

A. Connect your non-bootable hard drive to another computer, as a secondary drive or use a usb adapter or enclosure. If you can see your data on the drive using Windows Explorer, back it up Now, then follow the rest of these instructions.

B. Open Windows Explorer. Click on Tools|Folder Options|View. Check the box beside "Show hidden files and folders". Apply your change.

NOTE D: may not represent the hard drive you connected to your PC, it may be E: or F: or G:, it all depends on how many other drives (including cd/dvd) you have in your PC, So subtitute the appropriate drive letter in the instructions below.

C. Navigate to the D:\System Volume Information folder. You will see a folder named something like _restore{.........} the dots represent an alpha-numeric sequence. In this folder you will see folders named RP0....RPnn. Find the one with the highest number. These are your System Restore points. In the highest numbered folder you will see a folder named snapshot. In this folder are registry hive files which you need to recover your system:






D. Create a subdirectory; i.e, D:\Windows\TMP. Copy these files to the TMP subdirectory. Rename them:






Note Be sure to lose the period (.) in the file named _registry_user_.default

E. Delete the files in the D:\windows\system32\config subdirectory with the same names.

F. Copy the D:\windows\tmp files to the D:\windows\system32\config. subdirectory.

G.Put your drive back in its original system. Your system should start normally. If you get the same error repeat the procedure and choose another folder ( RPnn) (next highest number). You can repeat this procedure choosing lower RPnn numbers until you get it booting again

If you are denied access to any folders you will have to take "Ownership" of the folders first. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/308421

por 03.02.2011 / 00:19