O script que você vinculou é um script do PowerShell, ele precisa ser salvo com uma extensão .ps1 e executado no PowerShell.
Você pode tentar salvá-lo como um arquivo .ps1 e executá-lo? Isso resolve seus problemas?
O conteúdo do seu arquivo .ps1 deve ser:
function ConvertTo-RegistryHive
Convert a registry-exported text (contents of a .reg file) to a binary registry hive file.
PS> ConvertTo-RegistryHive -Text (Get-Content my.reg) -Hive my.hive
## The contents of registry exported (.reg) file to convert into the hive.
[string[]] $Text,
## The hive file name to write the result to.
[string] $Hive
$basefile = Join-Path ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) ([System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName())
$regfile = $basefile + ".reg"
$inifile = $basefile + ".ini"
$subkey = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
foreach ($chunk in $Text) {
foreach ($line in ($chunk -split "'r")) {
$line -replace "^\[\w*\\w*","[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\$subkey"
} | Set-Content $regfile
# Since bcdedit stores its data in the same hives as registry,
# this is the way to create an almost-empty hive file.
bcdedit /createstore $Hive
if (!$?) { throw "failed to create the new hive '$Hive'" }
reg load "HKLM\$subkey" $Hive
if (!$?) { throw "failed to load the hive '$Hive' as 'HKLM\$subkey'" }
try {
# bcdedit creates some default entries that need to be deleted,
# but first the permissions on them need to be changed to allow deletion
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\$subkey\Description [1]
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\$subkey\Objects [1]
"@ | Set-Content $inifile
regini $inifile
if (!$?) { throw "failed to change permissions on keys in 'HKLM\$subkey'" }
Remove-Item -LiteralPath "hklm:\$subkey\Description" -Force -Recurse
Remove-Item -LiteralPath "hklm:\$subkey\Objects" -Force -Recurse
# now import the file contents
reg import $regfile
if (!$?) { throw "failed to import the data from '$regfile'" }
} finally {
reg unload "HKLM\$subkey"
Remove-Item -LiteralPath $inifile -Force
Remove-Item -LiteralPath $regfile -Force
ConvertTo-RegistryHive -Text (Get-Content C:\MyHive.reg) -Hive HiveName
Em seguida, altere esse C:\MyHive.reg
para apontar para o arquivo .reg e HiveName
para o nome da seção a ser criada.