Port 1199 (DMIDI) - O que é este serviço?


Estou tentando descobrir qual é o serviço DMIDI, que aparentemente é executado na porta 1199 ...

Em aqui parece que foi registrado em 2002 por um Phil Kerr e não consigo encontrar nenhuma informação sobre isso na Internet. Eu não consigo nem descobrir o que significa DMIDI ...

Algum de vocês, administradores inteligentes, tem alguma ideia?

por Matt Klein 23.03.2017 / 22:03

1 resposta


Estou tentando descobrir qual é o serviço DMIDI, que é executado na porta 1199

DMIDI é a abreviação de Distributed MIDI e está definido em IEEE P1639 .

Parece ser um projeto "morto".


Due to funding problems work on P1639 has been halted. Many thanks to all who helped.


P1639/DMIDI has restarted with "avengence".

IEEE P1639 is an Ethernet based protocol wrapper allowing the transmission and reception of MIDI data within a LAN environment.

The goal is to allow low-cost embedded hardware and any PC, be it Linux, Mac or Windows, to transmit and receive MIDI data over Local Area Networks.

For musicians who remember the benefits of the introduction of MIDI with interoperability between different musical instruments, the protocol is aiming for the same level of integration with PC platforms, sequencers, editors and other software and hardware.

Início do Padrão MIDI Distribuído - Transmissão por Ethernet e IEEE 802.11

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Standards Association has begun work on a standard to extend the reach of Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) devices by allowing for MIDI transmission over Ethernet and IEEE 802.11 networks. The new standard, IEEE P1639, "Standard for Transmission of Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) Data within Local Area Networks: Distributed MIDI—DMIDI," should be finalized by the end of 2003. It will retain backward compatibility with existing hard-ware and software under the original MIDI specification, which is now 20 years old.

  • The original MIDI standard allowed for a transmission speed of 31.25 kbaud, which was adequate for a musician to control a small number of MIDI devices. DMIDI will use the current Ethernet-based networking infrastructure to carry MIDI data at transmission speeds as great as 10 Gbit/sec. This speed boost will allow for the full use of such sub-protocols as Downloadable Sounds (DLS) and MIDI Show/Machine Control.

  • The new standard will increase the number of addressable devices. The original MIDI specification provided 16 channels for devices. DMIDI will allow for nearly 16 million devices, each retaining the existing 16-channel MIDI structure. DMIDI also adds the ability to send meta-messages for enhanced device control.

  • The standard will optimize DMIDI for low-powered devices. It will specify communication protocols for transmitting MIDI data in Local Area Networks (LANs) and contain low-level protocols and high-level addressing schema for interconnecting MIDI-capable devices over LANs. It also will detail buffering strategies, so traditional MIDI hardware can deal with the higher transmission speeds and so software-based MIDI applications can coexist in the same networking domain as MIDI hardware and still run at full LAN speeds.

  • Anyone with a technical and manufacturing interest in MIDI is invited to join the IEEE P1639 Distributed MIDI Working Group. Others who might want to join include those who seek to explore DMIDI's creative possibilities and those with expertise in Ethernet-based and wireless LAN networking infrastructures.

Fonte Computer Music Journal Volume 27, Número 3, Outono 2003, pp. 13-14

Quem é Phil Kerr?

Phil Kerr (philkerr at elec dot gla dot ac dot uk), the person behind DMIDI, is a well-known member of the Linux Audio Developers community. DMIDI is less ambitious than MWPP (and much simpler). Linux and Windows prototypes are available now; Palm and Mac OS prototypes are under development.

Fonte Visão geral da atividade atual em MIDI sobre IP (2003)

por 23.03.2017 / 22:26