UPD. que funcionará melhor:)
find -depth -print0 | while read -d '' -r dir; do if [[ $dir == *info ]]; then mv "$dir"/* /tmp; rmdir "$dir"; fi; done
resposta antiga aqui:
cd /Folder0
for i in 'ls'; do #get list of files and dirs in a folder0
if [ -d $i ]; then #if list item is a folder
cd $i #then go inside (in you ex its folder A)
for j in 'ls'; do #list folders and files
if [ -d $j ]; then #if item is folder
cd $j #go inside (in your ex - Folder1)
mv info/* /any_folder_you_want #it will not move files if there is an error
rmdir info/ #it will not remove dir if it is not empty
cd .. #(go down)
fi #(go to the next folder Folder2)
done; #end of folder A
cd .. #go down
fi #next folder B...
Você precisa alterar a peça com mv e rmdir para testar se está obtendo resultados corretos basta colocar ls lá e comentar as linhas com mv e rmdir:
#mv info/* /any_folder_you_want #it will not move files if there is an error
#rmdir info/ #it will not remove dir if it is not empty
você precisa executar esse script fora da pasta1.