Procurando por plugin do firefox que redireciona links para https para determinado domínio


Existe um ou dois websites onde suportam http e https onde pretendo utilizar https, mas onde links, redirecionamentos, js redireccionam ... continuam a enviar-me para http-locais.

Algum de vocês sabe de um plugin do firefox que muda links com http para um determinado domínio para o link correspondente com https?

Por exemplo: Eu clico em - > isso me leva a

por Hendrik 26.02.2010 / 14:39

2 respostas


Use o Redirecionador :

This can be useful for instance to skip confirmation pages after posting messages on message boards, skipping ad pages that appear before you can view content on certain sites, redirecting from http to https on sites where you always want the https version, redirecting from one hostname to another for proxy servers, or just anywhere where it takes you two or more clicks to get to what you want.

por 26.02.2010 / 14:41
NoScript pode fazer isso :

Q: Can NoScript force some sites to always use HTTPS?

A: Yes, just open NoScript Options|Advanced|HTTPS|Behavior, entering the sites you want to force in the topmost box, and those you want to always leave alone in the bottom one.

You can use space-separated simple strings, which will be matched as "starts with...", glob patterns like * and full-fledged regular expressions. If, for instance, you want HTTPS to be forced on every Google application excluding Search and iGoogle, you can put


in the "Force" box and

in the "Never" box (the latter can be of course rewritten as a


regular expression).

por 26.02.2010 / 14:45