Estamos falando de
the NetBIOS name of the client machineThis parameter is not available when Samba listens on port 445, as clients no longer send this information. If you use this macro in an include statement on a domain that has a Samba domain controller be sure to set in the
sectionsmb ports = 139
. This will cause Samba to not listen on port 445 and will permit include functionality to function as it did with Samba 2.x.
( fonte ).
Em seguida, há essa opção de montagem em man 8 mount.cifs
When mounting to servers via port 139, specifies the RFC1001 source name to use to represent the client netbios machine name when doing the RFC1001 netbios session initialize.
Assim, acho que você deve montar com:
mount -t cifs -o credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,netbiosname=…
Você também pode adicionar a opção port=139
. Dessa forma, mount
não perderá tempo tentando se conectar na porta 445.