A parece que está rebaixando para a versão 1.19.0 ou abaixo corrige o problema.
Aparentemente, um bug foi introduzido na lógica de rolagem ( link ). Cito o comentário de Ben3eeE:
If I understand everything correctly. We changed the scroll handler to use deltaX/Y instead of wheelDeltaX/Y and it's not the same value. wheelDelta is always +/-120 on Linux and delta is +/-53 for me right now. This change would explain why we are seeing a difference on all platforms in 1.19.
Line 1513 in 05fc82c
let {deltaX, deltaY} = event
Line 419 in 1f068bd
{wheelDeltaX, wheelDeltaY} = event
While not the preferred solution of completely honouring the settings in the OS for the best native experience it seems like we can go back to the previous behaviour that was a better default?