Nota: Eu não tenho drive SED nem tentei o abaixo. Por favor, use a seu próprio risco
na seção Apagamento de disco seguro :
Simply passing a cryptographic disk erasure (or crypto erase) command (after providing the correct authentication credentials) will have the drive self-generate a new random encryption key (DEK) internally. This will permanently discard the old key, thus rendering the encrypted data irrevocably un-decryptable.
A partir disso:
Using the PSID to perform a factory reset causes all disk parameters to be reset to factory original settings, including the following:
- The encryption key used to encrypt and decrypt the data on the media is changed to an unknown value.
A partir disso:
você tem isso:
Warning: This function will erase all of your data ...
setutil-cli --yesIreallywanttoERASEALLmydatausingthePSID <PSIDALLCAPSNODASHES> /dev/sd?
sedutil-cli -–yesIreallywanttoERASEALLmydatausingthePSID <YOURPSID> \.\PhysicalDrive?
You should see INFO: revertTper completed successfully.
If you get a message that says NOT_AUTHORIZED you entered the PSID wrong.
Espero que isso ajude.