É um sinal sonoro que você está recebendo quando você está iniciando seu laptop, há algumas razões possíveis que levam a esse tipo de som.
1.Bad Ram.
2.Loos connection with memory sticks.
tente remover e reinstalar os sticks de memória RAM para resolver o seu problema.
veja abaixo tirado da seguinte fonte:
How to recognize the beep errors:
Very short beep
:This problem is linked to your motherboard. It can also mean that you are facing a problem with your system memory (BIOS AWARD)
Short beep
:No problem.
Long beep followed by three sequential short beeps.
:This issue is linked to your graphics card configurations.
Short beep followed by three sequential long beeps
:You are facing a system memory problem.
Beep, pause, beep, pause, two sequential beeps
:This error is linked to your CPU.
Three beeps, pause, three beeps, pause, four beeps
:You have an issue with the video memory.
One long beep and nine short
:Problem with the ROM (Bios AWARD).
Three beeps, pause, four beeps, pause, beep
:This is linked to an error with your graphics card.
Four beeps, pause, three beeps, pause, beep
:You have a system memory problem.
Five short beeps
:You are facing a problem with your CPU.
Long constant beeps
:It's a system memory problem.
If your PC beeps after the OS has been launched, it may be due to the fact that your CPU is overheating and that could be a serious matter.