Seleção de margem ao imprimir no Google Chrome [duplicado]


Ao imprimir no Google Chrome, se o texto for ampliado, uma parte do texto será cortada.
Eu li que você pode esticar as margens na visualização, mas não consegui encontrar onde ou como.

por phred 29.09.2013 / 00:41

1 resposta


@amiregelz deu uma ótima resposta em outra pergunta, cuja resposta também resolverá sua pergunta:

There is a way to change the default print margins in Google Chrome. It is possible in Google Chrome version 22 and further versions.

While in current and previous versions of Chrome it is not possible, starting in Chrome 22 the selected printer and its settings should persist across browser restart.

In order to change Chrome default print margins, all you'll have to do is change the margins settings to your preference and it will become the default print margins.

To change the print margins settings in Google Chrome, this is what you'll need to do:

  • Enter the Chrome print preview page (Shortcut: Ctrl+P):

  • Thereisasidebarintheleftsideoftheprintpreviewpage,withseveralprintingoptions,includingMarginssettings.
  • YoucanchangethemarginstoNone,MinimumorCustom.Tochangethemarginstoyourpreference(inyourcasemakingthem


AnotherwaytochangethedefaultprintmarginsinChrome,istoenable kiosk mode printing and use the following code to change the margins settings to your preference (for no margins at all, use 0px):

margin-left: 0px;
margin-right: 0px;
margin-top: 0px;
margin-bottom: 0px;


por 29.09.2013 / 01:27