Esse modelo da Shuttle tem uma placa-mãe Intel baseada em H67.
Com os chipsets da Intel, para entrar no BIOS depois de ativar totalmente o Fast Boot, você geralmente precisa desligar o sistema e manter pressionado o botão liga / desliga para ligá-lo temporariamente para pular / desabilitar a inicialização rápida.
Power button recovery
The power button can be used to recover if you encounter Fast Boot problems.
- From a powered off state, press and hold the power button for approximately 2 seconds (release it when you hear 3 short beeps).
- The BIOS will follow a normal boot path as if Fast Boot were disabled.
- If Fast Boot was enabled, the following message will be displayed: "Fast Boot failsafe trigger was detected. Would you like to restore Fast Boot on the next boot? (Y/N)".