Sua TV está realizando Overscan , consulte o manual da sua TV para desligá-lo ou verifique se a sua placa gráfica suporta recurso "underscan" para reduzir a exibição para que tudo se encaixe.
Eu não sei se você tem o mesmo modelo da pessoa que vi em um google rápido, mas aqui está como eles disseram que consertaram .
On the Bravia I selected HOME > Settings > Setup > Screen Settings > Display Area
It was set to NORMAL I changed it to FULL PIXEL
Changing this to Full Pixel solved the over scan issue and dramatically improved picture quality as I now had a 1 to 1 pixel match meaning that the electronics in the Bravia did not have to calculate any pixel values only simply put each received pixel value into the appropriate pixel location. Basically I was sending a signal to the Bravia that matched the LCD panels Native resolution. This is the best method of driving an LCD.