Eu tenho a mesma placa de vídeo exata em um notebook que não pode usar uma placa de vídeo mais nova porque ela usa o barramento AGP em vez do PCIE ou algo mais novo. Esta foi a solução que me permitiu usar o driver nvidia96 com Lubuntu 12.04, mantendo o xorg de 11,10:
Veja o post # 24 por zecoyote007
In order to use nvidia-173 or nvidia-96, please see my post here:
I found a workaround: keep the 11.10 version of the Xorg server No
conflict at all with any package from 12.04 !!!
nvidia-173 drivers are not compatible with Xorg (ABI to be precise)
version released in 12.04. So I stick with 11.10 version of Xorg. I
had to make the following changes to backport Xorg:
1) In /etc/apt/sources.list :
deb oneiric main deb-src oneiric main
2) In /etc/apt/preferences:
Package: xorg xserver-xorg* Pin: release a=oneiric Pin-Priority: 1050
3) Note related to nvidia-173/96 on Ubuntu 12.04 (optional if you face
slow graphics) I'm using old hardware with nvidia-173 drivers and I
don't like the fact "composite" is mandatory to use Unity correctly
(very laggy) I had to force composite to switch it "off" to avoid
laggy windows by modifying /etc/X11/xorg.conf:
Section "Extensions" Option "Composite" "Disable" EndSection
Isso funciona para mim, pelo menos até (dedos cruzados) a nVidia atualiza o driver nvidia96.