Em geral, no mundo * nix, man <cmd>
dará o manual do comando em questão. Enfim, para responder sua pergunta:
: o dedo exibe informações sobre os usuários do sistema. Isso pode incluir:the user's login name, real name, terminal name and write status (as a ''*'' after the terminal name if write permission is denied), idle time, login time, office location and office phone number. Login time is displayed as month, day, hours and minutes, unless more than six months ago, in which case the year is displayed rather than the hours and minutes. Unknown devices as well as nonexistent idle and login times are displayed as single asterisks.
finger @hostname
: imprima a lista de usuários conectados ao host remotohostname
( fonte ) -
finger user@hostname
: obtenha os detalhes do usuáriouser
no sistema remotohostname