Como compartilhar conexão 3G via LAN sem fio


Eu criei uma LAN wireless funcional com roteador wifi conectado ao meu PC e posso acessar facilmente do meu macbook para o PC. No meu PC eu tenho conexão à internet 3G via pendrive. Agora eu quero poder compartilhar a internet através da LAN para ter os dois computadores conectados à internet. Como dito no seguinte tópico compartilhei minha conexão mas ainda não consigo me conectar à internet no meu mac. O que mais eu preciso fazer?

por haynar 12.02.2012 / 16:12

1 resposta


Seu link diz:

Do not use ICS on a network with domain controllers, DNS servers, gateways, or DHCP servers. And don't use ICS on systems configured for static IP addresses.

Você precisa impedir que o Mac obtenha um endereço IP do roteador wifi (que provavelmente funciona como um servidor DHCP).

Eu tentaria

  • desabilitar o serviço DHCP no roteador
  • define um endereço IP estático no PC (suponho que a última frase acima se aplique a clientes ICS)
  • defina o Mac para usar o endereçamento dinâmico

Espero que o Mac encontre um endereço e detalhes de roteamento do ICS no PC.

Atualização: um Artigo MacWorld diz

On the client computer (Mac OS X and a wireless NIC):

  1. Click on the AirPort icon at the top right of the screen.
  2. Click Create Network. A dialog called Computer-to-Computer should pop-up.
  3. Set name to ICS. Click OK.
  4. Open System Preferences from the Apple menu.
  5. Click the Network icon.
  6. Select AirPort from the Show Menu dropdown.
  7. Click the TCP/IP tab.
  8. Select Manually from the Configure IPv4 dropdown.
  9. Set IP Address to
  10. Set Subnet Mask to
  11. Set Router to
  12. Set DNS Servers to
  13. Click Apply Now.

You have now completed setting up the client computer. Read on for the host computer instructions.

On the host computer (Windows XP, Internet Connection (i.e. Cable or ADSL), Wireless NIC):

  1. Click Start -> Control Panel.
  2. Double-click Network Connections.
  3. Right-click Wireless Network Connection and then click Properties.
  4. In the General tab, select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
  5. Click Properties.
  6. In the General tab, select Use the following IP address.
  7. Set IP address to
  8. Set Subnet mask to
  9. Click OK.
  10. Click the Wireless Networks tab.
  11. Click the View Wireless Networks button.
  12. Select the network named ICS from the list and click Connect.
  13. Click OK at the next dialog telling you the network is open.
  14. Close the View Wireless Networks window.
  15. Click OK to close the Wireless Network Connection window.
  16. You should now be in the Network Connections window.
  17. Right-click Local Area Connection and then click Properties.
  18. Click the Advanced tab.
  19. Click the Allow other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection checkbox.
  20. Click OK.

You have now completed setting up your Host. You should be able to connect to the Internet on your Mac. If you follow these instructions, your wireless connection between your Mac and PC will be unsecured; it is highly recommended you set a WEP password.

por 12.02.2012 / 19:19