Cite aqui
MajesticJG 01-28-2009 at 05:13:07 AM-0+ .
I figured this one out, so I thought I'd post it so others can find it when they're as frustrated as I was.
The problem was a driver version mismatch in the nForce driver set. The fix was as follows:
Boot to Safe Mode
Use Driver Cleaner to Gut the nForce drivers
Reboot to Safe Mode Again
Use Driver Cleaner to Gut the nForce drivers again
Reinstall the latest nForce driver kit while in safe mode
Reboot to normal modeThat seems to have done it! Note that Driver Cleaner costs around US$10 right now. I know there's probably another free program that can do it, but I'd heard Driver Cleaner could handle the job and I was willing to invest $10 to get the kinks out of my system.
I hope this is helpful for someone else, 'cause it sure drove me nuts!
Eu não sugeriria pagar por 'Driver Cleaner', mas certamente há muitos programas gratuitos por aí que fariam o mesmo! :)