Como restaurar o painel de controle padrão do Windows XP?


Eu acidentalmente mudei o meu Painel de Controle do Windows XP para o "Modo Clássico". Como posso restaurar isso de volta para o padrão original do Windows XP (sem reinstalar, é claro)?

por Christopher Graziano 29.04.2010 / 21:36

2 respostas


Se você fechou acidentalmente o painel de visualização no lado esquerdo do Painel de Controle (ou seja, você não pode ver o botão 'Alternar para a visualização de categoria'), pode recuperá-lo:

Painel de controle / Ferramentas / Opções / Geral - selecione 'Mostrar tarefas comuns em pastas' e inscreva-se. Depois de ter o painel de visualização para trás, você pode ' Alternar para visualização clássica ' ou ' exibição de categoria ' como desejar.

por 29.04.2010 / 22:41

Verifique aqui: link

By default, the Windows XP Control Panel appears as a window in which various options are divided into categories. This "Category View" makes it easy for users to locate the specific set of options that they wish to access.

However, you may prefer the more traditional view of the Control Panel in which the sets of options are represented by a series of icons. This "Classic View" of the XP control panel is similar in appearance to the control panel on earlier versions of Windows.

You might also need to switch the control panel view to more easily follow a set of instructions that you have been given. If the instructions assume that the Control Panel is displayed in Classic View, when it is displayed in Category View on your computer, the instructions may appear confusing or erroneous. And of course the opposite is equally true.

Luckily, changing the view of the Windows XP Control panel is very easy.

To change views:

  • Click "Start" and then click "Control Panel". The Control Panel should open.

  • If the Control Panel is in Category View, click "Switch to Classic View" on the left of the window.

  • If the Control Panel is in Classic View, click "Switch to Category View" on the left of the window.

You can use the "Switch to.." link to toggle the Control Panel view as desired.

por 29.04.2010 / 21:52