OpenWrt opkg update Falha na verificação da assinatura


Eu tenho um roteador TP-Link. TL-WDR4300. Eu configurei o ambiente OpenWrt nele.

Detalhes da versão são os seguintes:

Versão do Linux 4.4.14 (alex @ AlexPC) (gcc versão 5.3.0 (OpenWrt GCC 5.3.0 50108))

Eu usei o seguinte comando

 root@OpenWrt:~# opkg update

Downloading "http"://
Downloading "http"://
 Signature check failed.
Remove wrong Signature file.
Downloading "http"://
Downloading "http"://
Signature check failed.
 Remove wrong Signature file.
 Downloading "http"://
Downloading "http"://
Signature check failed.
Remove wrong Signature file.
Downloading "http"://
  Downloading "http"://
Signature check failed.
  Remove wrong Signature file.
 Downloading "http"://
 Downloading "http"://
 Signature check failed.
 Remove wrong Signature file.
 Downloading "http"://
 Downloading "http"://
 Signature check failed.
  Remove wrong Signature file.
  Downloading "http"://
  Downloading "http"://
  Signature check failed.
  Remove wrong Signature file.

   Collected errors:
      * opkg_download: Failed to download "http"://, wget returned 8.
   * opkg_download: Failed to download "http"://, wget returned 8.
    * opkg_download: Failed to download "http"://, wget returned 8.
       * opkg_download: Failed to download "http"://, wget returned 8.
    * opkg_download: Failed to download "http"://, wget returned 8.
    * opkg_download: Failed to download "http"://, wget returned 8.
     * opkg_download: Failed to download "http"://, wget returned 8.
    * opkg_download: Failed to download "http"://, wget returned 8.
    * opkg_download: Failed to download "http"://, wget returned 8.
   * opkg_download: Failed to download "http"://, wget returned 8.
   * opkg_download: Failed to download "http"://, wget returned 8.
   * opkg_download: Failed to download "http"://, wget returned 8.
   * opkg_download: Failed to download "http"://, wget returned 8.
   * opkg_download: Failed to download "http"://, wget returned 8.

Alguém pode resolver este problema

por Avishek Banerjee 19.09.2018 / 23:59

1 resposta


Foi assim que consegui trabalhar com o meu Orbi:

sed -i -re 's/^(option check_signature.*)/#/g' /etc/opkg.conf
mv /usr/bin/wget /usr/bin/wget.bin

Em seguida, crie / usr / bin / wget com o seguinte:

/usr/bin/wget.bin --no-check-certificate "$@"

E finalmente chmod + x / usr / bin / wget

root@SRR60:/etc/ssl/certs# opkg update
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/chaos_calmer_base.
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/chaos_calmer_luci.
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/chaos_calmer_packages.
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/chaos_calmer_routing.
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/chaos_calmer_telephony.
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/chaos_calmer_management.
por 29.10.2018 / 07:01
