Atualize o rsync para 3.1.1


Tenho notado que a versão mais recente de rsync é na verdade 3.1.1, mas apenas 3.1.0 parece estar incluído em 14.04.1. Como posso atualizar para a versão mais recente?

por user260467 11.10.2014 / 06:25

1 resposta


O código fonte está disponível aqui: rsync-3.1.1.tar. gz ( assinatura ), com um tar arquivo do diretório "patches" agora lançado em um arquivo separado: rsync- patches-3.1.1.tar.gz ( assinatura ). Do site oficial

No arquivo Leiame você pode encontrá-lo.


Rsync normally uses ssh or rsh for communication with remote systems. It does not need to be setuid and requires no special privileges for installation. You must, however, have a working ssh or rsh system. Using ssh is recommended for its security features.

Alternatively, rsync can run in 'daemon' mode, listening on a socket. This is generally used for public file distribution, although authentication and access control are available.

To install rsync, first run the configure script. This will create a Makefile and config.h appropriate for your system. Then type make.

Note that on some systems you will have to force configure not to use gcc because gcc may not support some features (such as 64 bit file offsets) that your system may support. Set the environment variable CC to the name of your native compiler before running configure in this case.

Once built put a copy of rsync in your search path on the local and remote systems (or use make install). That's it!

Ou no link

por αғsнιη 11.10.2014 / 06:55