Ffmpeg bit indicador de acesso aleatório


Estou tentando transmitir usando o ffmpeg para um STB, sem sucesso. Do suporte de software STB, recebi esta resposta: Random_access_indicator For H.264/AVC Bitstreams, the following applies: Encoding: The random_access_indicator bit shall be set whenever an H.264/AVC RAP occurs in video streams (see H.264/AVC RAP definition in Clauses 3.1 and 5.5.5). Decoding: The random_access_indicator bit may be ignored by the IRD. It can be beneficially utilized together with the elementary_stream_priority indicator to identify RAP.

3.1 H.264/AVC RAP: access unit with AU delimiter in an H.264/AVC Bitstream at which an IRD can begin decoding video successfully. This access unit shall include exactly one Sequence Parameter Set (that is active) with VUI and the Picture Parameter Set that is required for decoding the associated picture. The SPS shall also precede any SEI NAL units in this access unit. This access unit must contain an IDR picture or an I picture

Eu não consigo descobrir como definir essa parte! Com streams de trabalho, meu STB mostra:

dec[2][base] :: set_video_track() : -1 -> 0 [H264]

dec[2][base] :: set_audio_track() : -1 -> 0 [AAC] [eng]

Mas com o meu stream

dec[1][base] :: set_video_track() : -1 -> -1 []

dec[1][base] :: set_audio_track() : -1 -> 0 [AAC] [spa]

Meu comando Ffmpeg

ffmpeg -nostdin -loglevel info -ss 10 -hwaccel_device 0 -hwaccel cuvid -c:v h264_cuvid -deint 2 -y -re -i udp://X.X.X.X:XXXX?pkt_size=1316\&buffer_size=409600\&fifo_size=1000000\&overrun_nonfatal=1 -movflags isml+frag_keyframe -f ismv -threads 0 -c:a libfdk_aac -ac 2 -b:a 64k -map 0:v -filter:v:0 scale_npp=w=1024:h=576 -c:v:0 h264_nvenc -preset llhq -g 150 -keyint_min 150 -forced-idr 1 -aud 1 -strict_gop 1 -bf 2 -flags:v +global_header -pcr_period 5 -b:v:0 1200k -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -map 0:v -filter:v:1 scale_npp=w=1920:h=1080 -c:v:1 h264_nvenc -preset llhq -g 150 -keyint_min 150 -forced-idr 1 -aud 1 -strict_gop 1 -bf 2 -flags:v +global_header -pcr_period 5 -b:v:1 2000k -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -map 0:v -filter:v:2 scale_npp=w=640:h=368 -c:v:2 h264_nvenc -preset llhq -g 150 -keyint_min 150 -forced-idr 1 -aud 1 -strict_gop 1 -bf 2 -flags:v +global_header -pcr_period 5 -b:v:2 1200k -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -map 0:a:0 http://XXX/X/X

Estou usando a última versão do ffmpeg e nvidia.

Alguma idéia?


por Facundo 30.08.2017 / 15:40

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